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Book A 15 Minute Call With Mark

Book a 15-minute call with me today so we can quickly assess how I can help you and if you'd be a good fit to work with me.

I'll be able to answer any questions you have, and if we both decide that we'd like to move forward, I'll walk you through the process.

Booking is simple. Select a date and time below, enter your contact details and answer a few quick questions. You'll receive your Zoom link on the screen and via email.

 I look forward to speaking with you.

What is high performance coaching?

High performance coaching helps you to operate beyond standard norms consistently over the long term. However, high performance shouldn't be confused with peak performance. It doesn't mean you have to be the 'best of the best'.

In my work with clients, we focus on high performance at an individual level. It's about performing in such a way to reach YOUR next level, whatever that might be.

High performance will have a different meaning for each person and application depending on the area of life you wish to improve.

As part of the assessment process, I'll ask you questions to discover your current level of performance/results in the relevant area we will be targeting for change. We will get clarity on what the next level would be for you.

You also learn how to simultaneously enhance your performance and well-being in all areas of your life. 

What is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and HYpnotherapy (CBH)?

At the heart of cognitive behavioural therapy( CBT) is an understanding that how we respond to events is not due to the event itself but the way we interpret it.

Our interpretation of an event is based on our beliefs and assumptions built up during our lifetime.

The consequences are often a complex mix of feelings, thoughts and behaviours, which over time have tended to reinforce our core beliefs, often in unhelpful ways.

Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy (CBH) involves addressing feelings (emotions), thoughts (cognitions) and behaviours individually and together with the additional benefit of hypnosis.

CBH integrates hypnosis fully with CBT.

Using hypnosis, we can use our imagination to challenge negative thoughts and feelings and replace them with positive suggestions.

Both CBT and CBH are therapies that focus on the present rather than the past.

So while patterns of behaviour and thinking may have developed over time, cognitive behavioural therapies concentrate on practical solutions to dealing with current experiences.

While we can't change the past, we can change how we respond to it, now and in the future.

WHaT is hypnosis?

Hypnosis has been subject to many decades of scientific research on its own and on its effectiveness integrated with CBT.  All the techniques I use are tried, tested and evidence-based.

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of highly focused attention on a dominant idea.

In hypnosis, you are in control at all times. It is not something I, as the therapist, do to you. It is something you willingly do yourself.

Clinical hypnotherapy bears no relation to what you might have witnessed in stage hypnosis or television shows.

From an evidence-based point of view, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.  By relaxing, thinking positively and picturing your goals, hypnosis can help you change how you think, feel and behave.

Hypnosis is a skill that you are already using but possibly not in a way that helps you.

For example, perhaps you believe that you cannot speak effectively in public. You've held this belief for years, and it's one you have repeated to yourself and others often.

You have focused on this dominant thought to the point that not only do you believe it, but if you were to try and engage in public speaking, you'd act in such a way as to prove it true.

That is self-hypnosis. You have focused on a dominant idea (suggestion) and imagined it to be true.

Imagine how your life would be different if you directed this ability towards creating the thoughts, feelings and behaviours you would like to exhibit?

Hypnosis is a skill which you can learn to do by yourself, for yourself.

I will direct you to begin with while simultaneously providing you with the training, tools, and techniques to be your own coach and therapist.

What is high performance hypn0-CBT®?

High Performance Hypno-CBT® is my name for the combined use of high performance coaching, cognitive behavioural therapy and hypnosis to achieve coaching/therapy goals.


While most of the work I do with clients contains an element of all three, you will receive whatever is best suited to solve the challenge you are facing.

For example, coaching alone might be required if you are stuck because you are unsure of a strategy to follow.

However, suppose it is also the case that you struggle to implement a strategy because of stress, anxiety or procrastination issues.

In that case, we can apply cognitive behavioural therapy approaches to address the situation.

If we agree that hypnosis could enhance the process, we can add that to our sessions to improve your results.

How many sessions will I need?

Our first full session (not our initial call) is a 90-minute assessment and conceptualisation session.

This session aims to find out exactly what's happening and why, so together, we can decide on the best course of action for you.

Many people find that first session very therapeutic in itself as we begin to unpack some of the issues and the relationship between them and your feelings, thoughts and behaviours.

Everyone is different, and every coaching or therapy plan is designed with you and your goals in mind.

As a guide, the average amount of sessions clients have is between six and twelve, including the initial consultation.

We will agree on the initial amount of sessions at the end of our assessment call. We will review if additional sessions are required as we progress.

High Performance Hypno-CBT takes a highly proactive approach toward achieving our agreed goals. It involves you practising and applying many of the techniques and tools we use during sessions in your daily life.

The more you practice the techniques, the more quickly progress can be seen, and the less sessions you will require.

How are the sessions conducted & how long are they?

All sessions take place via a Zoom video call which allows me to speak with you as soon as possible and offer the service to clients worldwide. Also, by using Zoom, we can record the call for review later.

The initial assessment session is 90-minutes. All subsequent sessions last an hour.

What is the 1:1 Freedom engineering intensive?

The freedom engineering intensive is fixed curriculum programme that lays the foundations for change across all areas of your life, rather than targeting one specific area/issue. You can work with me through the process 1:1 or as part of a small group.
